All About Single Mother Charities

Mother Taking Care of Sick Daughter

Being a Single Mother by Choice can be difficult, especially when you consider the many financial burdens that are placed on your shoulders. Fortunately, there are a number of single mother charities that are aimed at helping you to reduce this stress and provide more adequately for your children. There are also financial aid options that are not aimed specifically at single mothers, but that single mothers can nevertheless benefit.

Bridge Of Hope

This is a volunteer-based organization like, that aims at ensuring that single mothers and their children have safe places to live. The main aims include:

  • Finding safe housing for single mothers
  • Finding stable employment  for single mothers
  • Helping single mothers on their way to being financially self-sufficient
  • Helping single mothers to develop nurturing and lifelong friendships that can offer them support

Through this charity, located in Pennsylvania, specifically in Exton, single mothers can face the challenges involved with their position with support and help form others.

Florence Crittenton Services

Single Mother CharityThis is one of the single mother charities that are aimed at helping pregnant women through this difficult time. Often women who are about to become single mothers do not have a strong support structure on which to lean. In this situation women can go to Florence Crittenton which aims to help pregnant women in North and South Carolina by offering a safe environment, medical care and education. In addition to this the women are given counseling and are also equipped with a number of essential parenting tips that will help them to be a good single mother form that day forward.

Climb Wyoming For Single Mothers

This single mother charity program has been utilizing a model that trains women for higher paying jobs and helps them to attain a better quality of life for themselves as well as their children. Through this program, available for single mothers in Wyoming, women are trained to work effectively in the following sectors:

  • Construction
  • Energy trades
  • Health care
  • Office positions

The program has a strong psychological component and is aimed partially aimed at helping women to develop more constructive ways of thinking and to discard bad habits that have held them back in the past. As a single mother you could significantly benefit from this charity.

The Nurturing Network

This is potentially one of the more useful single mother charities in that it is active in all states. The program is aimed at helping women who have fallen pregnant unexpectedly and without planning. Each woman is worked with on a separate basis. If you make use of this program you will be steered towards the best solutions for you personally in your situation. The programs that you will be given access to include medical services, legal counsel, safe and nurturing living arrangements, counseling, education and employment opportunities.

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities USA is an organization that will assist a number of different people with a number of different needs. Aid will be given form a catholic standpoint, but you do not need to be Catholic to benefit. Catholic Charities of Central Florida ( has a program targeted specifically toward single women and single moms called the Women, Children and Family Initiative. The program provides:

  • Housing assistance
  • Counseling
  • Pregnancy services
  • Refugee assistance
  • Self-sufficiency training

Although Florida is the only chapter with a program specifically for single mothers, you should be able to benefit from the services provided in any state.


The worldwide YWCA organization is one that aims to help to women in general become empowered to take control of their lives in more ways than one. Specifically this organization provides help with child care for single moms, something that is extremely helpful, especially considering the cost of decent childcare. Other services you could benefit from include emergency or transitional shelter, job training, health care, safety from domestic violence and defending against domestic violence charge that might be fake, leadership training and racial justice, services open to all women regardless of whether they are single mothers or not. This program operates across the entire country.

Parents Without Partners

This organization offers assistance to single mothers (as well as to single fathers) who no longer have another parent helping them raise their child. The charity provides the following services:

  • It empowers parents and their children by providing a supportive community
  • It empowers parents and their children by providing educational opportunities
  • It empowers parents and their children by providing social activities
  • It advocates for single parents with legislative lobbying, national conferences and community service

This is one of the single mother charities with single parents specifically in mind in everything it does.

For more information, please visit

Single Parents Alliance Of America

This charity provides assistance to single parents, although it is more likely to provide aid to single mothers than to single fathers. To become a member is free, but proof must be provided that you are a single mother. Being a member of this organization means:

  • You will have access to help through government grants
  • You will have access to grants for education
  • You will have access to a pharmacy discount card
  • You will have access to information about discount shopping

In addition to this single mothers can also be helped on an individual basis through the Single Parents Alliance of America.

Other Financial Aid Options

Private Charities And Samaritan Programs

When it comes to affording your rent there are a number of private organizations, such as churches and the Salvation Army, that are able to provide single mothers and other low-income families with financial aid in the form of rent assistance. In addition these organizations also provide food and clothing assistance and may have programs in place that will allow you to learn how to improve your situation. If you are unable to receive adequate aid through the government, these private organizations are a good source of help to turn to in times of need.

State-Funded Emergency Rental Assistance

Each state has its own system in place to help low income families such as single parent families to pay their rent. Examples include:

  • Florida: Single parents with children under the age of 18 can apply once a year to the Florida Department of Children & Families Office on Homelessness’ Emergency Financial Assistance for access to the Housing Program.
  • California (Long Beach): Single parents may qualify for six to 18 months of financial rent assistance from the Rapid Rehousing or Beyond Shelter programs that focus on preventing eviction and homelessness.

A bit of research into the options that your state offers can make a world of difference to your situation.

TANF Government Assistance

TANF is the name given to the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program that anyone can apply for, although you will only receive assistance if you meet the eligibility requirements for your state. The important work here is ‘temporary’. You will not be able to rely on this assistance as a permanent solution to your problems as it is aimed at merely being a means through which you can get back on your feet. Self-sufficiency is the primary aim of this program as it is more beneficial for you to be able to support your children yourself.


The WIC program is aimed at helping “Women, Infants, and Children” by providing women in financial need who are pregnant or who have children younger than five years old in the home with the following benefits:

  • Cereal
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Peanut butter
  • Tuna fish
  • Baby formula
  • Pediasure with a doctor’s script
  • Farmer’s market vouchers

This significantly reduces the financial burden on the shoulders of these women. Clearly there are a number of advantages offered by WIC for a single mother to make use of.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Single mothers who meet the requirements will have their heating and cooling costs paid for entirely or subsidized through the LIHEAP program. This crucial assistance, complemented by services such as heat pump repairs portland oregon, becomes a lifeline in providing a safe home environment for children, especially in regions where heating or cooling is challenging to afford. Considering the expense associated with these essential services, the program ensures direct payment to the energy provider of the qualifying single mother, alleviating the financial burden of heating and cooling bills. This is a significant help for low income families, such as those headed by single mothers, as it offers an opportunity to reduce costs especially because there are times when they also have to seek heating repair services for furnace tune-up and other heating issue.

There are a number of single mother charities specifically for women who are in the position of having to raise a child on their own, and, in addition, there are many other grants and financial resources that single mothers should be able to benefit from through the government and private agencies. Consequently the financial burdens that you are faced with could be significantly relieved if you took the time to contact these various single mother charities as well as other agencies for aid and assistance.